Design, Material Design, UI, UX

Open Sourcing a Logo

Open source doesn’t have to just apply to code.  I’ve been applying my XAML skills to Material Design In XAML Toolkit to help other developers quickly craft good looking user interfaces in WPF.  I’m pretty happy with the results, and in some of my own projects I’ve produced some striking applications using the toolkit.  Despite doing this, I readily admit I’m no designer.  For such a visually focused code library I really wanted a logo, but knew I could never do the task justice.

So I threw the task out to the community.

I created an issue on GitHub, tweeted a bit, posted on Reddit.  And waited.  Pretty much bang on 2 weeks later a result came back from a young guy called Sam, and I’m really happy with it:

Material Design In XAML Toolkit

Sam or “snalty” can be found on Twitter, and you can see some of his other designs on his blog.

In summary, a great bit of collaboration helping to push Material Design In XAML Toolkit further along.

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